ONOMA Hotel Logo

“Onoma” is the greek word for “name”
ONOMA is totally you, in a hotel version.

We want you
to win
all the time

We want you to win all the time Image

We want you
to win
all the time

 ! Booked already?Let us know you better Image

2Know us better game

! Booked already?
Let us know you

A game with true rewards.

A couple of days before your check in, you will receive an email with the link to our game.

The more things you share about you, the more perks you unlock,

the better the hotel experience becomes. Game on!

Check your notifications

Loyalty Club

You have the app
and you see a red
circle pop up?
You know
you are about
to win.

download the App

Playstore Appstore
You have the app
and you see a red 
circle pop up? 
You know you are about to win. Image 1 You have the app
and you see a red 
circle pop up? 
You know you are about to win. Image 2

Join our Baggage Anatolia
Hospitality Members Club
and win perks & points

The Baggage Club is at the core of all services and experiences.
It is the mechanism for better understanding our guests
and the generator of unique personalised experiences.


Coming Soon

Be the first to learn

The Baggage Club through an extensive personal profile keeps track
of all personal preferences and gives back rewards and perks
in a playful, fun way. It is the private space where
all Photo Booth photos are kept, milestones are set, rewards
and gifts are awarded and the guest’s personal cocktail recipe
is stored.

Through the Member’s Club, any points gained can be redeemed in any member hotel of ANATOLIA Hospitality.